For the first time, the LDP leadership race featured two female candidates seeking to become Japan’s first female prime minister. Their entry...
While Kishida Fumio may celebrate his win as president of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party, his challenges are only beginning - with...
Japan has selected its next Prime Minister, Kishida Fumio - but the veteran politician faces tough tests in his first months on...
As candidates for leadership of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) officially began their campaigns on September 17, there is still much that...
Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide has announced that he will not stand for re-election in the LDP’s leadership contest on September 29th –...
Just days before the start of the 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo, social media was abuzz over stories in the western...
In February last year as toilet paper was flying off supermarket shelves as a result of panic and misleading information, the announcement...
Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide will meet with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington, DC on April 16, the first meeting between these...
Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games organizers announced that preparations for the global tournament are “continuing as planned”, stressing that they “never discussed”...
Exactly twenty years ago today, on February 9th 2001, the American submarine USS Greeneville collided with a Japanese high-school training boat, the...
Every year in December, Japan’s Kanji Proficiency Society announces a single kanji character as the “Kanji of the Year”. The winner in...
Less than two months after issuing a state of emergency, former Prime Minister Abe Shinzo declared victory over COVID-19. Abe was keen...