“Hit Me Anyone One More Time” is the latest comedy film by director and dramatist Mitani Koki. Although a parody centered around...
Threats from online extremists forced an art exhibition in Nagoya to close in 2019, raising fresh concerns over Japan's commitment to freedom...
The Ainu Promotion Act aimed to end discrimination against Hokkaido's indigenous people - but Ainu activists argue that it merely perpetuates colonization.
A grueling work culture underlies Japan’s demographic crisis – but the measures being used to combat COVID19 could help the country move...
Japan felt the impact of climate change in floods and heatwaves this year - but few Japanese people joined the environmental protests...
Sunday, December 15 marked 53 years since the murder of a Japanese postwar icon Rikidōzan. Some may know of him as the...
As the new Emperor is crowned, Japan's Imperial bloodline is down to only three heirs. Can the conservative post-war rules of succession...
Okigusuri, a “use first, pay later” system for household medicine, is finding a niche in Tanzania. Could new technology make it viable...
The largest exhibition of manga ever held outside Japan, at London’s British Museum, showcases how a subculture became an internationally recognized art.
The infamously gruelling work style of many Japanese firms is rooted in a culture that sees endurance and exhaustion as proof of...
Japan's government has put women's empowerment high on its agenda - but women remain poorly represented in politics, and that shows few...
Japan has one of the lowest recycling rates in the OECD - but in the absence of government action, community-led initiatives are...