“Hit Me Anyone One More Time” is the latest comedy film by director and dramatist Mitani Koki. Although a parody centered around...
If the acronym “ISDS” sounds familiar, it probably strikes a negative connotation. Investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms are legal provisions in investment treaties...
Public discontent has driven support for Abe's cabinet below 30% - but in the absence of a challenger, the Prime Minister's position...
Despite recent progress in the China-Japan relationship, a reported plan to locate U.S. missiles on Japanese soil risks raising tensions over security.
Expanding the remit of Japan's Self-Defense Forces led to protests in 2015; declassified documents show us the roots of this controversy 60...
While other nations are praised for controlling the virus, Japan's low COVID-19 death toll is often treated as a mystery at best,...
Claims that Japan's Constitution forbids a strict lockdown are simply untrue - and such falsehoods provide support for the LDP's revision agenda.
The Japanese yen is among the world’s most traded currencies, and it accounts for 5.7% of global foreign exchange reserves. As the...
Comparing the responses to COVID-19 and the 2011 Fukushima meltdowns shows that Japan's government learned few lessons from the disaster nine years...
Japan's Environment Minister says the country is committed to its climate targets - but other ministries still plan to build new coal...
Rural depopulation has left eight million houses empty in Japan - but by putting homes before jobs, the Akiya Bank program is...
Welcome to installment XVI (April 2020) of Sino-Japanese Review, a monthly column on major developments in relations between China and Japan that...